What's Next

The Decade Ahead for Josue's Ministry




Praises!  The Community Development Plan, sponsored by Grace Chapel Church of Englewood, CO is COMPLETE!  The supporting funds created a community complex in Asroli including a 200 seat church; well, water tower, and water distribution that is sufficient for the 7 villages as needed; a health/hygiene area for the 7 surrounding villages; a school (the government paid for!); and the pastor's home and garden, so he can teach better farming techniques to the area.  Literacy training, health/sanitation education, and well repair instruction has added much value to this effort, so the people of Asroli can maintain all of it and live much healthier lives.  A soccer tournament was held on the property to involve the whole community, evangelize, and celebrate! 

This is an incredible accomplishment and so beneficial to the surrounding area!  Small groups are starting now in most of the 7 villages!  All of this comes from the Lord, and people working together to spread the Kingdom!