***We are in the process of updating our website. Please be patient with us during this time of transition.***
Truth Unleashed Ministries' purpose is to provide full support of Josue Akowanou's ministry - Hope for Youth Foundation - to bring the SAVING GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST to the people in Benin, Africa.
Read the story of how God moved in Benin, bringing Josue and Pam and Dave together --> About Us - God's story in Benin
You can be a part of Truth Unleashed Ministries:

For more information, please contact: truthunleashedbenin@hotmail.com
Truth Unleashed Ministries was created as an IRS-approved, non-profit organization, with tax exempt status, by Dave Erwin. All donations to Truth Unleashed Ministries will be confirmed with a letter for charitable tax deduction purposes at the end of the donation year. 100% of all donations go directly to Josue's non-profit, Hope for Youth Foundation.