
Josue’s entire ministry is based on prayer!  He prays expectantly, relying fully on the Lord!  That doesn’t mean Josue gets “his way”, but he fully knows that God will provide what he really needs, when he really needs it, so Josue waits until answers come to make his decisions!

Classic examples:

In December, 2013, Josue had well drillers on the property of the Farm school in Toffo, trying to reach the much needed water.  Somehow his students and all the animals had survived for 4 years with no well on the land, spending a great deal of time walking to the creek to carry water back or spending much money to have it delivered.

The first well drilling crew got down as far as they could, about 30 meters, but no water came.  Another crew came in, drilled to about 60 meters, and still no water.  That crew ended up in a car accident with several very serious injuries, adding to the discouragement for Josue.  A third crew came in and drilled down to about 90 meters: still there was no flowing water.  Josue felt he could not throw any more money "down the hole" and was devastated, as his prayers had not been answered.  He knew God wanted him to create this Farm School but he also knew he could not continue on this property without water. 

But Josue did not stop praying:  he changed his prayer.  Instead of “give us water” he started praying for direction in how to go forward.  He began to pray for a new location that already had water.  And in August, 2014, God provided the perfect piece of land—river front property, closer to electricity and concrete to build with, on a paved road instead of a road that is a disaster to drive on, only 1 hour from his house instead of 4 hours or more!  God wanted to give him this wonderful gift, but he had to wait, and he had to change what he was praying for.  It is not about our solution to our problems—it is always about God’s better gift for us!

We are blessed to report God's full provision to buy this piece of property!  The total price, $480,000 US, was paid off in full, on time, on Sept. 30, 2016!

If Josue had not stepped out in faith two years prior, for God to do this miracle, this property would not be his, for his Missionary Training School!


In April, 2024, Josue shared with his oldest son, Isaac, that he was a man now, as he had just turned 18.  He was to be in charge of his education.  He needed to decide what he wanted and pursue how to make it come about!

Isaac started talking with Ola and Gladys, close family friends from Benin who have lived in the Dallas area since they married.  The conversation came to the following offer on August 10th:  Ola wanted Isaac to come live with them to be able to attend Collin College, expenses paid for 2 years!  Isaac, Josue and Prisca were so overwhelmed:  they never dreamed such an offer would be made!  And the decision to take it had to be made quickly:  Isaac, needed to be in class on August 20th!  Everyone prayed! 

The paperwork for enrollment did not arrive in Benin until the 14th; the next day was a holiday; Friday, the 16th, Isaac was at the Embassy for a visa appointment that was granted for 3 years!!!  And he got his passport back that afternoon:  none of this ever happens, unless God...  The next day Isaac had a day of fasting and prayer with the Lord, while his ticket to fly was purchased!  He left home Sunday night, and arrived in Dallas on Aug. 19th!  Only God could put all of these pieces together so quickly! 

The families in Benin and in Dallas continue to adjust, but things are working out very smoothly!  Isaac has taken a great leap of faith:  he had not flown since he was 3; he did not speak English upon arrival, but could read it somewhat; he had never been to America before--look out for culture shock!  Isaac has desired to be a brain surgeon for years:  this is the tip of something really BIG, and God is blessing in a mighty way!


We have a growing prayer team that prays for Josue’s ministry, and an email list of updates that comes out twice a month.  If you cannot attend prayer time, you can pray as you are able.  

If you would like to get involved with Josue’s ministry in either of these ways, you will make a huge difference in this ministry and you will be encouraged in your prayer life as answers to prayers roll in! Participating in prayer for Josue's ministry is the best way to possibly be involved and bless it!