Planted in 2013
Cove is a very dark area spiritually. The roots of idol worship go deep. These traditions include every baby being given his/her own idol at birth, besides the family idol, and the village idol. When a person dies they will their idol to an heir. So any one person could be responsible to worship/please/pacify ten or more idols all the time! Much effort is spent on this tradition besides all the spiritual burdens it places on people’s souls. It has people enslaved and bound by the past!
Into this arena, two Christian churches were planted in August, 2013, now led by Pastor Pascal and Pastor Anatole. This is where Dave Erwin fell and eventually died from his injuries. So when Pam returned the following spring, special services were held to honor Dave’s memory, including naming the church site, the Gate of David!
A man stood up during the service to share: he had never heard of Jesus before. When the youth camp was held, and the evangelism started in the community, he did not know anything about the love of God. But when he saw how these Christians helped his people with the medical outreach and free medicines, he began to take things more seriously. Was there something to this Jesus? He continued to question and find out more and more about the one true God.
As of April, 2014, he had agreed that the area, which had been known as the Gate of the Snake by his decree when he moved here some time ago, would be renamed, the Gate of Jesus! He had been studying the Bible enough to know that he was not thinking correctly by worshiping his idols—that they would not get him where he wanted to go! When he spoke, he had not fully accepted Christ but he did within the next month—because he saw what the love of God could do, and he wanted it all! He was finally set free! This man joined Jesus in heaven in 2016, leaving a legacy behind that is drawing his many children to Christ! And this whole area is now hearing about the one true God and finding Him!
The temporary site for the church to meet was loaned until land could be purchased next door to construct a church building on. That piece of property has now been secured and construction has begun, as funds allow! Those now attending the church are hungry for the Word of God and are bringing their idols to burn!
All of this, and more, is what Dave Erwin gave his life for! And what Truth Unleashed Ministries is now dedicated to support!
This photo is of Ezekiel, whose injury brought his mother to faith! She left him with her nephew one day to take care of many errands. Shortly after she left, she was overcome with the need to return home. She found him covered in hot sauce, burning him! She secured help to get him to ER but he was not seen for 6 hours! His mother was distraught, as the doctors finally did everything they could for him, but would he survive, with his eyes sealed shut? His daddy had started attending the church a few weeks before. Everyone in the church started praying for Ezekiel to be healed. !3 days later he finally opened his eyes, without even being able to nurse all that time! 26 days later he finally came out of his coma! Now he is a healthy and lively little boy, with very little scarring! Praise for what the healing hands of Jesus can do! And Ezekiel's parents have both fully accepted Christ and are preparing to lead the next church here in Cove!
Church Photos
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