Planted in 2010
Banigbe is a small, secluded village where only a few leave to go to market nearby. Most villagers are subsistence farmers, bound by all the traditions of idol worship and witchcraft passed down for generations.
The children here had almost no formal instruction: Lucien used Nago Bibles as textbooks and the children started decoding their written language for the first time. Young boys have become Lucien’s “apostles,” and he has renamed them, including John.
When Dave and Pam returned in 2011, the villagers were so excited—they never thought anyone would come back! They presented Dave and Pam with this beautiful artwork of the children—Banigbe mud forming the continent of Africa—and 2 chickens! They shared that in years past, they looked around and all they saw were huge problems. But now they had hope--the hope of Christ!
This hope has spread to the next village, where all of the people accepted Christ together!!! Lucien has raised up Sourou to help him pastor the churches. Sourou will be married in early 2017 and he and his wife will pastor a church near Pobe, in Ikpinle, that has started from the radio outreach!
Banigbe received microloan money from Gemach for the villagers to raise animals. It was a big undertaking, led by church members, but included all who wanted to be involved. Until the persecution began: why did some have food for their animals, while others did not; why were some able to buy animals to increase their herds, while others could not, etc. To dispel these attitudes, church members took down their pens and let their animals roam free, like others in the village, but there is still much jealousy! Please pray for Jesus to overcome! This loan money has been completely repaid and is being used for others to change their lives!
This village worships Oru. The rituals take place for 2 weeks or more in August, involving initiated males participating in drunken orgies, etc. Any uninitiated males can be beaten to death. Any woman who observes any of it is sacrificed! One time the witch doctor came upon the scene, when a group of youths had Lucien surrounded, and he ordered them to leave Lucien alone, as Lucien was helping them in so many ways! Lucien has been threatened repeatedly, but boldly stands on the promises of God for strength and perseverance to lead these people to Christ! Pray that the spell of Oru will be broken and that these people will be set free from its bondage!
This village built their church on land donated by a village elder. When he later changed his mind and demanded his land back, the building was moved into Pobe, the market town where Lucien lives, to start Lucien’s third church! He outreaches by showing movies on the weekends and shares frequently on the radio. With followup by his team, many are coming to Christ and a home church has begun! (How can YOU help?)
Property has now been purchased for the church building of Banigbe, but it is currently being farmed, to raise the funds to pay for the building--so no debt will be incurred! Church members are the laborers; even after the building is built, the extra land will continue to bring in revenue! Future plans include building a medical clinic on the property as well--there is currently no medical facility available within a couple of hours drive!
Over the years, this one church has become four and it will continue to multiply, thus reaching many more people for Christ! This is why Josue's ministry has become so fruitful!
Church Photos
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