Planted in 2016
Please see the What’s Next section of this website to check out the Community Development Plan that will be used. What happens this summer to plant the church will be just the beginning of something so much greater in the next several years!

The idols above are on the Governor's Palace in Allada, representing the hold the traditions of the past has on the people here. Out in the village of Asroli, where the church was actually planted, there is one concrete building, currently dedicated to the teaching of witchcraft practices, holding this village in bondage! All of the rest of the village is only built with adobe block...
The church here has been very successful from the beginning! Both Pastor K K Paul and Emanuel came in the beginning: Pastor Paul now remains as the solo pastor. He and his wife have just welcomed their 6th child into their family, who has moved from Cotonou out to nearby market town of Allada. Pastor K K Paul rides a moto, provided from a recent donation to TUM, out to Asroli, several times per week to minister there. The church now has 80 people attending: they are bringing their idols to be burned!
The villagers are so ready to receive the word, that literacy classes will begin in January, 2017, so that they can learn to read their Bibles! The government is in process of deeding 2 pieces of land: one to the village to build a new school building on, and the other to the church, to build a church on! These developments have come much quicker to this church, because of the support of the Community Development Plan! Asroli is the center village of seven others, where nearly 7000 people live. This church is reaching out to all of them and already having a huge impact!
Church Photos
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